Beautiful Things

In the Bible it says that God created Adam from the dust. I’m not sure where I stand on the literal translation of the Christian creation story (because I think most people groups have really beautiful-and strikingly similar- creation stories) but regardless of what I think, that’s what it says.

Tonight I was at a worship service and we sang the song “beautiful things”- I posted the video below.

I was so captured by the simplicity of the song and the beauty of the words. Isn’t the idea of making something from dust so amazing? And the idea that we too are being made beautiful–in our everydays, in our love and in the way we live together.

The bridge of the song says “You make me new. You are making me new”– I love the idea of newness- of new beginnings, of birth, growth and restoration.

What a simple song and a true message: We are made from nothing–and we’re made into beautiful things.

A Future Marauder

My dear friends–I’ve finally made my choice about next fall…..

I’m going to McMaster for the Midwifery Education Program! And I am so excited! It was a very hard decision–because a PhD in Women’s Studies at York would have been excellent as well, but in the end, midwifery was the right choice for me. It’s hard to articulate exactly how I made my choice but I felt confident that midwifery education would lead to a career when I finish school, ensure that my “job” helps women, offer lots of options for having our own family (one day wayyyy down the road), and I think I’m really going enjoy it!

After I decided, I felt really, really excited. September is going to bring BIG changes. I’m so excited to go to Mac and to meet the other Student Midwives (I think they’ll be 30 of us). I’m really pumped to LEARN—I’ll be studying anatomy and health and all sorts of stuff that I currently don’t know very much about!

Thanks again to everyone who helped me make my decision–I really appreciated all of your thoughts and recommendations–It really meant a lot to me.

I’m sure that you’re glad that my blog will take a bit of a “decision time” rest–instead I’ll be focusing on having an AWESOME summer. Do you know that I’m leaving for the Outer Banks in less than a WEEK!?! We’re so pumped- and it’s been such a crazy month for us that our vacation has just crept right up! And now, it’s around the corner!

Isn’t She Beautiful?

Somehow, by the grace of God–I lucked out with the world’

Seriously–she is the best. And if I end up like her, then I will be Pleased with a capital “P”. Because if I turn out like her it means I’ll be kind…and I will laugh a lot. I will bring cakes to work for my coworker’s birthdays- I’ll put my family first. I’ll find joy in all good things and support my family and friends to be true to themselves and follow their dreams….and I’ll make the world a better place.

Not too shabby, eh?

Three generations- my mom, me, and my mom’s mom! (yup, Grandma is rockin’ cheetah print!)
And I guess luck does strike twice, because I scored a GREAT mother-in-law too! Happy Mother’s Day to all of the amazing mothers out there.

the magic penny

I am notoriously indecisive. If you know me-or Matt- you’ll know he loooooves to talk about how terrible I am to grocery shop with…or do any shopping for that matter. It takes me forever to pick out shampoo and yogurt. I thought, until these past couple of weeks, that when it came to BIG decisions, I rocked. I picked two university degrees and a husband with absolute confidence. Pretty good, eh?

But now, here I am, with my self-imposed deadline looming (May 14) and I have NO idea what to do about school. None. I got my “financial” package in the mail today from York and I still feel just as conflicted as I did yesterday.

I am by NO MEANS complaining. I am thrilled to have a choice…but big life choices are hard. Choices that have lasting implications…and impact every single aspect of one’s life are a big deal…a heck of a lot harder than buying shampoo.

I know that some of my indecision is rooted in my insecurities. I keep questioning whether or not I’ve got everyone fooled. York seriously wants to fund MY research for four years? Am I a good enough writer? Could I really help a woman deliver a baby?

And then of course there are factors that I’ve never had to think about before. In four years I am going to be 30…and we might like to have some children. What would that look like? How would that work?

So, now I wait, knowing that I have sought wisdom from smart, grounded people who know me. I have been silent. I have listened for tugs on my heart….and still I am stumped. And as much as I’m starting to get a wee bit anxious, I still have this hope that I’m going to know. That I’ll feel a peace about whatever I decide…and that it will be a good decision.

In a world so full of noise and in a society where prayer is more like sitting on Santa’s knee, I feel more convinced than ever that in times like these, silence is the best remedy.

The yogis have it right when they tell us to focus on the breath….to focus on being present, rooted, and focused. That’s my plan…till next Friday, anyway.

Matt suggested that I flip a penny- and ask it questions, assigning yes and no to heads and tails. But the last time we did that we “figured out” that we’ll never be millionaires, billionaires, trillionaires. BUT we did find out that we’ll own a Dairy Queen Franchise. Fancy!

Clearly you can see why the “genie penny” coin flip is just a terrible idea.

Hopefully I’ll still have that sentiment next Friday!
