2010 in Photos

My bro left for Australia in February. we all look so awesome here…probably because it’s like 6 amWe cottaged like good little yuppies. OH and check out that hair of mine. 2010 was year of the sexyWe road tripped.We celebrated Steph’s 27th birthday in MarchWe ran 30km around the Bay at the end of MarchWe celebrated Jussie’s Birthday too! We rented a beautiful beach house and spent a week on the Outer Banks in North Carolina…one of my favourite places on earth.I ran my first short race- a 5km on the hottest day of the summer!I met baby Liberty when she was only 5 days oldWe went to a LOT of weddings! Including Steph and Phil’s super fun cottage wedding in JulyWe celebrated our 1st anniversary with a road trip to Pittsburgh at the end of August

We went on our annual thanksgiving hike with the world’s greatest friends (and I took a pottery class which I was TERRIBLE at and I think that’s what I am pretending to do with major hand gestures in the about photo!)
We warmed out friend’s new place in October
We had our 2nd Christmas as married people (you can see some more photos a few posts ago)

I moved all of my photos on to the new external hard drive that I got for Christmas (thanks Mom and Dad P!) so I need to pull up some more photos.

Here’s a few more memories that I’m missing photos from:

-My road trip to Ptbo with Steve and Amanda

-Lots of ultimate (Gratuitous!)

-A great end of semester midwifery party

-Cheering on friends at races

-summer cottage adventures and visit’s to Joel’s house

-a very cool concert party at Maja’s

-Wine and Cheese party

– and many, many more good memories.

It’s been a really wonderful year.


It’s that time of year again

As we near the last few days of 2010 I can’t help but start thinking about 2011 and all of the things that might be in store. Every year I make a list of things that  I want to work on, accomplish, try, attempt, stop doing, improve, etc. Here’s my list from this post in January 2010 and how I did in red.

Here is my goals and results from 2009 too!

1. Run Around the Bay and cross the finish line smiling

Success! I loved it!

2. Buy, barter or borrow a sewing machine and learn to sew.

Fail. On all accounts.

3. Take more photos. A lot more photos. Be braver with my cameras and get used to using them more. Post more photos on the blog. Seek out opportunities to assist photographers or learn new skills

I did take a lot of photos this year- although I’d like to take more. I still want to work on remembering to bring my camera out with me more.

4. Visit a country that we’ve never been to

Fail. Sadly. Probably because I accomplished goal #5 and gave McMaster all our money. Perhaps 2011 is a year for adventure!?

5. Take some significant steps at gaining some new professional/education experience

GREAT success. After a lot of debate and prayer and thinking and polling everyone I know (and some I don’t know) I made the decision to go to McMaster and take the Midwifery Education Program.  And I am so GLAD I did. I feel like the luckiest women in the world to be studying for a job that I cannot wait to do. To get to be a part of new life coming into the world is so unreal…and to know that I’m not wasting my one life away tied to a job that I’m not in love with makes my heart feel so full.

6. Manage our money- keep saving and figure out an appropriate investment strategy

Hmmm yes and no. We need to work on our investing but with Matt’s help we’re doing pretty well. Maybe excellent. We’re not rich (financially) but we’re more than making due. And we aren’t in any debt- which is beyond a blessing.

7. Read lots. I love to read and generally have a book or two or five on the go. This year I’d like to read more non-fiction books, particularly books on theology

YES! I had to cut myself off from reading during exams because I found myself staying up waaaaaay too late finishing books. It was a great year for books and I just got three NEW (as in NEW NEW!) books for Christmas. I’m going to crack one open after I finish this post!

8. Healthy lifestyle- continue eating lots of whole, natural foods, run, strength train, practice yoga, eat more vegetables!

Mostly yes! I need to be doing some more strength training to avoid injuring my sad ole’ left knee (again!) but mostly pretty successful. We’re always looking for more ways to enjoy whole foods and make sure we’re eating a lot of fresh produce…always room for improvement.

9. Try to be a bit less anal about random things like Matt’s piles of clean AND dirty laundry.

I think yes, although you’d need to ask Matt to be sure 🙂

10. Take better care of my hands and feet- sounds a bit silly, but my cleats and running shoes RUIN my feet and the winter cold takes a beating on my hands. It’s a small thing but taking a bit of time each day to use hand lotion goes a long way.

Thanks to some nice Burt’s Bees cream in my stocking last year I think my hands and feet are in great shape. I did lose a toenail on Christmas morning (from a 20 mile run in October) but other than that, my hands and feet are  in pretty good shape.

I’m excited to be thinking about 2011 and dreaming of new things to learn and goals to work towards. Did you make any goals for 2010? Did you reach any of them?

(image source)

Joy in the World

Merry Christmas dear friends. I hope that you are warm, happy and surrounded by loved ones these next couple of days. I’m sending you wishes of crazy family get togethers, old and new traditions and lots of good food and laughter.

I’m so grateful this year- for the birth of Jesus- whether you see it as symbolic or real…for the messages of hope, compassion and generosity Grateful for the idea that the world can be changed only through love…and through a baby no less!

Merry Christmas to you and yours!


A little bit of this and that…

hello long-lost blog friends!

I am so sorry for my silence! I’ve been busy living in the “real” world. Here’s what I’ve been up to:

-sleeping in

-relaxing at the Scandinavian baths with lovely girlfriends

-making “mod” gingerbread houses- and by making I mean more encouraging

-wrapping gifts

-making gifts with my mom (an annual tradition where she implores me to add her name on the “from” spot on the card

– going on slow runs

-doing laundry

-eating clementines

-watching a ridiculous amount of movies

and so on and so forth.

Tomorrow begins three jam-packed days of holiday fam-jam goodness followed by a few more days of lunches, breakfasts and hangout with friends. I LOVE the holidays .

It’s been such a treat having time off school. This past semester was BY FAR the most chaotic semester of my entire academic life and it’s lovely to have time to just BE and not DO…you know?

After our final exam one of the girls in my program hosted a “12.5” party to celebrate the fact that we’re 12.5% done our program.  It was such a fun night with all of the women from my program and I felt such peace and satisfaction that I’ve chosen the right direction for my career. My friends and family have been so supportive and integral to this whole “back to school for four years” plan but also, the women in my program have become so important to my sanity. I feel so lucky to have met new friends that I really like. And as much as its so nice having 2 weeks off, I think by the time January 3rd comes around I’ll be excited to see all my midwifery friends again.

Until then however, I will enjoy family, friends and time with Matt (I can’t wait to post some pictures of a couple of gifts Matt made this year! He’s so talented! )

(photo source)

Over the threshold

Consider, for instance, the burden or preparing a meal and getting everyone to show up at the table and sit down. Or the burden of reading poetry to one another or going for a walk after dinner. Or the burden of letter-writing– gathering our thoughts, setting them down in a way that will be remembered and cherished and perhaps passed on to our grandchildren. These are the activities that have been obliterated by the readily available entertainment offered by TV. The burdensome part of these activities is actually just the task of getting across a threshold of effort. As soon as you have crossed the threshold, the burden disappears.  ~Albert Borgmann



I don’t think I have been this excited for the holidays in a very, very long time. I’m so looking forward to a break I can’t even tell you. A break from school, yes, but much more specifically a break from studying. I have barely moved in two days. I have drank more tea than I thought possible. I’ve lived by a 25 minute timer to encourage focus and productivity and yet… I’m blogging. I am soooo tired of studying.

Here are the things I want to do:

– go to parties

-make Christmas gifts

– watch movies

-hangout with my bro

-go to this spa (I’m going next Wednesday!)

-make and eat cookies.

-make and eat, well, anything other than toast.

-build a gingerbread house

-anything other than think about bones, blood, nerves, muscles and especially brains.

Tomorrow evening I’ll be studying for my last exam of the semester and then by Wednesday I’ll be done. Not having exams was a HUGE perk about grad school…but having 18 days off for Christmas is an awesome perk of being a student.

2 sleeps till the holidays!


Love, love was all around

A couple days ago I posted one of my favourite Sufan Steven’s songs. Jussie and Nathan played it song at our wedding when we signed the documents that make you legally husband and wife. It’s one of my favourite songs- and though not explicitly a Christmas tune, I always seem to play it a lot around Christmas time.

Today I want to share my other favourite non-Christmas Christmas song. The lyrics are simple and the message is so clear- it’s all about love. And I like that.

Without further ado…